Like mentioned in this question, there are some tag synonyms that rather should not be synonyms. I'm proposing to ‘desynonymize’ the [ecmascript]
and [javascript]
Though ECMAScript represents the standardization of Javascript, it is a separately developed language (based on Netscape's historical implementation of Javascript) that is still being developed (e.g., look at the ECMAScript 5 specification, which is released December 2009) and its improvements are slowly being adopted by the different Javascript engine coders. Also see the history section of the Wikipedia entry on Javascript.
Although I suspect that most questions about ECMAScript and Javascript are interchangeable, I can imagine cases where someone wants to ask a question specifically about ECMAScript itself (e.g., about something new in the spec, that's not already adopted in the different/all browser implementations, or something about the questions in Kangax' Javascript quiz). In those cases, it's way more clear when someone can tag their question with the [ecmascript]
tag, solely or in conjunction with [javascript]
question also be tagged[javascript]
? There are even people that don't know or understand that jQuery is merely a Javascript framework and tag questions[jquery]
where their problem actually is a Javascript issue.