Yes, I declined your flags. They all said:
an old VLQ answer
and I couldn't imagine why in the world you would raise a custom moderator flag to say something that we have a built-in flag for. (And whaddya know, we have a built-in flag decline reason for that.)
What I did not realize is that you were unable to flag answers beyond a certain age as "very low quality". Apparently that change was made about a year ago. Somehow, I've never run into it, either as a user or as a moderator processing flags.
So, in that sense, I declined the flags under false pretenses, because I failed to make the connection between "old" and not being able to flag as "VLQ". That is my bad.
On the other hand, I stand my decline. If the answers were of sufficiently low quality that they needed to be deleted by a moderator, you should have just flagged them as "not an answer". Putting aside plagiarism and other types of fraud, that's really the only reason we're going to step in and delete an answer. (Yes, this means I do not believe there is a functional difference between NAA and VLQ flags. That's a discussion for another time, though.)
As in many cases, I declined the flags (because I felt they were presented in an unhelpful way) but still looked at the answers. It was pretty clear to me that a couple of them they were not answers because they consisted of nothing more than links, sans explanation, so I converted them to comments. On the third, there was a link to OneDrive, so I salvaged the answer by inlining that code into it. (An edit that you could have done yourself, by the way.)
This is a well-established reason to flag something as "not an answer" (NAA).
Why are you so strict about declining custom moderator flags?
For basically the reasons it says in the canned decline reason: using standard flags allows us to better organize and prioritize flags. We can get into the right mindset and process flags much more efficiently. The custom flags are all different and therefore are more difficult to handle. They also tend to require more thought. It's critical that we have them available, and most of the custom flags we get are important, so I'm not trying to discourage their use. I just want to make sure that they are reserved for cases where they are actually necessary. If a standard reason will do, use that one.
Plus, for NAA/VLQ in particular, raising one of these flags will let the community have first crack at handling it, and I'd really rather have that happen anyway. No reason for a moderator to take unilateral action when the community can cast their own votes to delete. This also leads to more involvement of people with domain knowledge, which is way better than a moderator who can only look superficially at the form of an answer.
For what it's worth, when I do get involved with NAA/VLQ flags as a moderator, I tend to be pretty lenient in how I resolve them. If I can understand your rationale for raising a flag, I will often mark it as "helpful", even if I ultimately chose not to delete the answer. For example, I kinda agree with Brad Larson about the pointlessness of deleting old, highly-acclaimed answers when deletion would make the Internet a worse place by removing useful content. Obviously, if the link has gone dead and the answer has become worthless, I'll delete without batting an eye. Also, if the question has received other, better answers, I'm more willing to pull the trigger. But if that's the only answer to the question, then I generally feel that I'm destroying value by deleting it, so I won't. I'll still mark the flag "helpful", though, because I don't want to send the message that it is inappropriate to flag such answers. In other cases, I'll edit the answer myself to expand it. I'd prefer if the flagger did this themselves, but I'd still rather edit than delete.
Why aren't moderators more consistent when declining flags?
Because we are human beings; Stack Exchange hasn't figured out a way to replace us with robots yet. (And once they do, we'll be obsolete, because the posts we were formerly called upon to evaluate and delete can just be blocked from ever being submitted in the first place.)
That being the case, there are places where we disagree with each other, and because different moderators process flags at different times, there's no guarantee that they'll be resolved in exactly the same way every time. I realize that this can be kind of confusing, but you need to look at overall patterns in your flagging history, not isolated incidents. If you are uncertain about why a particular flag was declined, then it's totally fine to ask about it, but resist the temptation to try and make every response into a "rule".
Specifically, why does Martijn say that we should raise custom flags for "link-only" answers, when you seem to be saying that we should just use NAA?
Well, partially because we disagree about that. A lot of this ultimately goes back to what I think is utter absurdity regarding the interpretation of the "not an answer" flag. In particular, the decision-rule that considers whether the answer is "an attempt to answer". Martijn is saying that, in cases where you want to flag a link-only answer but that answer appears to be an attempt to answer, you'd need to use a custom flag to explain that, because a NAA flag might get declined. I don't apply that "attempt to answer" standard to NAA flags because I think it's rather absurd. All kinds of things can be an "attempt"; we don't judge attempts here, we judge results.
So, my criteria for NAA flags is quite simple: does this answer need to be deleted? If it's written in a foreign language or it's gibberish, then it needs to be deleted. If it consists of merely a link to an external resource, then it is not, itself, an answer to the question and needs to be deleted. If it asks a new question, or merely adds supplemental information, then it's not an answer and needs to be deleted. If it's not inhabiting the same universe as the question (like, a C++ answer to a Python question), then it's not an answer and needs to be deleted (this doesn't take technical knowledge to judge). The only exception is that we don't judge technical merit or correctness, so wrong answers should not be flagged. I will decline NAA flags on those answers, just like everyone else. As such, if I'm going to delete an answer containing a link, it's because the entirety of the answer is buried behind the link—and that means a NAA flag is totally appropriate (and preferable, for the reasons given above).
That said, the larger point of what Martijn is trying to say—if you come across an unusual case that might not be immediately obvious, you should raise a custom flag and explain clearly, rather than trying to pigeonhole it into a standard flag— is something I agree wholeheartedly with. Had your flag contained more information, it would not have been declined. Say, for example:
This is an old answer that consists of merely a link to an off-site resource, but I can't flag it as VLQ. Please delete it.
Clue me into what you're thinking and why you're raising the flag that you are, please. Detail is good. Like Martijn said, don't leave us guessing. I had to do too much guessing here.
Also, I will try and be a bit more judicious when declining "this is a link-only answer" custom flags in the future, given what you guys see as the "official" guidance and the general feelings of other moderators.
Isn't "very low quality" a really stupid flag?
Yes, it is. You are totally right about that.
I treat VLQ and NAA identically—both are requests for an answer to be deleted because it is adding no value whatsoever or is actively harmful (but not actual spam or rude/abusive, by our standards for these).
There is no reason to make fine distinctions about which answers should be flagged as VLQ or NAA. If an answer needs to be deleted by a moderator for quality-control reasons, then it doesn't matter which one you pick.