Today I've found the following question: How to store Map in sharedpreferences. It was unclear, but then it was edited. The edit didn't make this question a good one, so it shouldn't be reopened.
On the other hand, the OP clarified what he wants to do and there is an exact duplicate on Stack Overflow.
I believe, we mark questions as duplicates more for the future than for now. What I mean is, that when someone finds this question, he'd have a clear link to the good answer. He's less likely to browse comments to look for a link.
I'm saying that, because I can only add the link in the comment. Is it justified to flag for moderator attention, to let the moderator to mark it as a duplicate? Is moderator allowed to do that?
This question is really low quality, but I'd like to know the correct procedure for the future - one day it might be helpful.