Please be kind; I yet try to understand the culture of this site.
I have been coding for 40 years now. I don't think anybody can say I am avoiding my own solutions, but my experience tells to avoid to reinvent the wheel. With many solutions I did in the past, I later found out that there was already an existing solution. So I always first search for an existing solution before I do something new. I think that, often, it is a problem somebody else already had; let's look at their solutions, if there is one.
This way, I was able to learn very much and also be very productive, as well as being able to contribute really new stuff in the past.
Now I struggle to formulate good questions because it seems to me that this site only caters those being stuck inside their code, and not such much to those thinking before they code.
Am I right? I like to give advice very much, and I seem to have been able to help. My problem seems to be that getting advice myself seems to be too a high level, or am I wrong?
What, if I don't find anything by searching (and I am also quite good in that, e.g. recently I found a non-commercial TWiki to Confluence-Converter, you can try that by yourself) about concepts, known strategies, techniques. So there is information left only in peoples heads, people that likely use stackoverflow. The question was for examples of solutions for a specific kind of problem. (providing services of commandline-interface-tools as web-application)
The hope was, that anybody might provide a link to the source code of such an example. Earlier the question was for ideas how to solve that kind of problem, I accepted, that that might be to broad.
After reading the comments the summary for me is, you need some experience, with questions, discussion, emotionalities and the close-vote-strategy of experienced users, to know, how questions might be asked and how not.