Some answers have links in them relating to further resources, which I think is alright. However, there are some answers that have a link and little else, sometimes that is what is needed to solve OP's question.
The problem arises when someone in the future would like to click on the link but it does not exist. Link rot is a problem, would edits that add a small excerpt from the link to an answer with little or no extra information be valid?
When an answer depends on a link I think adding a small quote from that link should be necessary in order to preserve that information. I've done an edit like this in the past and had it approved another one I've done recently got rejected twice and approved once for the following reasons:
This edit does not make the post even a little bit easier to read, easier to find, more accurate or more accessible. Changes are either completely superfluous or actively harm readability.
This edit deviates from the original intent of the post. Even edits that must make drastic changes should strive to preserve the goals of the post's owner.
If the reviewers reasoning holds true, I won't do edits like this anymore.
As mentioned previously, some links are helpful. I am not asking when I should flag an answer but when to add an excerpt from the link to preserve the essence in case of link rot.