Close votes aren't counted like up/down votes; they're counted more like flags. An obvious (and probably familiar) difference is that you can vote on the same post many times (provided you retract your previous vote first) but you can only flag or vote-to-close a given post once.
A less obvious difference is that retraction is considered more or less the same as any other status that resolves a flag: the flag (or close vote) still exists, and still counts as your one shot at that particular post, but is simply no longer considered active in the system.
One could easily imagine a design that opted for a stronger similarity between flags/close-votes and up/down votes - in such a system, a validated flag would no longer count against your limit for the day, thus allowing you to keep flagging (or voting to close) as long as your flags/votes were being actioned promptly. (This is how downvotes work: if you're in the habit of downvoting posts which are soon deleted, you can keep doing it all day long without ever exhausting your supply of downvotes.)