There are a lot of duplicates closures all the time, and I often close as duplicate linking to one or several original Q&As I know.
We're refraining from answering and gain rep of course, but we may pay a price for it:
- (ok self-promotion) sometimes I link to one Q&A where I answered (when it was fully relevant of course!), and in those cases, I didn't notice any more upvotes, even if the duplicate question was upvoted.
- Also, some OPs tend to see question closure as an aggression, when sometimes we get revenge downvotes or harsh comments from OP for closing the question, even if that provided the solution (okay, he had to replace
to match his/her particular case, I know...)
So maybe some text/generic guide could be added either towards the OP or all explaining that:
- Having a question closed is not a punishment for the OP
- Let's not forget to upvote the more relevant/up-to-date answer (like here where the upvoted +57 answer is now wrong since python has fixed this behaviour), whereas the latest answer (2 upvotes) provides the correct answer)
Would that be useful, and in which form?