I declined that flag because, as the decline reason says,
flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer
Image of the question for <10k users:
Note: the "password" in the command above originally said, "passoword". The author of this Meta question edited out the typo.
Image of the answer for <10k users:
The "answer" in question did not, in fact, correctly answer the question. But it was written as an apparent attempt to answer the question. Thus, I didn't delete it. In that case, the appropriate course of action for you would be to downvote or leave a comment.
Also, as BoltClock wrote in the comments:
The asker didn't acknowledge the typo. You shouldn't be editing questions to fix typos in code on behalf of other users.
You and other users have pointed out that "passoword" was a placeholder, not a parameter name. But you haven't asked yourselves more important questions:
- Did the OP know that?
- That is, are you 100% sure the OP isn't using "password" as the actual password for testing purposes, but misspelling it?
- And if you are 100% sure of that, ask, "Why am I sure of that?" Nothing in the question inspires that much confidence.
- Even more importantly: Does the author of the answer know that? If the author of the answer thinks, incorrectly, that the typo matters and might be the reason for the problem, then this was a legitimate attempt to answer the question and should not be flagged.
The Philosophy of SO Flags
The moderation team has very limited bandwidth and a flood of flags to handle. This means that only issues that require moderator intervention should be flagged.
I would recommend reading this classic post: Your answer is in another castle: when is an answer not an answer? As explained there, even a wrong or unhelpful answer is an answer. Put differently, here's an example:
Question: What's 2 + 2
Answer: Great question! I want to know that too! [Flag as NAA]
Answer: You're ugly. [Flag as NAA or abusive]
Answer: dswberkfsshwe. [Flag as NAA or abusive]
Answer: Let me Google that for you (or "Go read this blog post" or "Here's a link to another SO answer). [Flag as VLQ]
Answer: Buy WOW coins here. [Flag as spam]
Answer: 42
. [Completely wrong, but still an answer. Downvote or leave a comment, but do not flag.]
was a placeholder for the actual password there. It's not a parameter. I don't understand why the question got closed and deleted. It doesn't seem like a typo question.passoword
is just a placeholder. You could even change it toPWD
, it wouldn't matter because that's not what the OP used. Plus the OP has replied in his comments that his problem wasn't solved, I am not sure why the question was closed..