Note: the below is relevant for users with 500+ reputation, who have review icon instead of help center icon in the top bar.
In the Help Center contact form (which is now made less reachable with the new footer, but that's a separate issue) there is such advice:
If you have a question about a Stack Exchange site, the best place to ask is on Meta Stack Exchange or the site's own meta. (Look under "help" on the top bar.)
See the bold part? That's no longer true. Let's take a look:
Do you see "help" anywhere in the top bar? No, unless you have special glasses that look back in time, before the fancy icons were introduced, replacing text links.
Please either change the help center advice to something like "Look under the Stack Exchange menu by clicking the icon that looks like Stack Exchange logo" (sorry can't make it shorter as that's the only way to explain what icon to click), or put textual "help" link again so that people will be able to reach it faster.
Note: in case the help center contents are static and can't be changed per-site please don't make this change cross-network as long as the new top bar is not applied there.