I recently unapproved a change to the Documentation for a tag that I have a lot of experience in.
The approved edit was approved by 3 out of 4 reviewers. The only reviewer to "Reject" the edit was coincidentally also the only reviewer that actually had any reputation for that language tag.
The other 3 reviewers predominantly had lower reputation overall (~500), which is not in itself proof they lack expertise, but literally zero of them had any reputation for the relevant language under review.
Can (should) we improve the documentation review queue to avoid this scenario?
- You might say the system worked because I had a notification in my inbox that the review was approved, so I could manually revert it
- The edit itself was almost a good one; it needed reviewers with more experience
- Part of me believes the edit may continue to be controversial (in which case we should leave it unapproved and improve upon it until it is not so controversial)
What I propose:
- A small change (from my POV) to the Documentation review queue: Only users with at least 10 reputation in the language under review are allowed to approve/reject Documentation edits
- This is literally 1 upvote to an answer for a question under that language tag
This will additionally help prevent "robo-approvers" because you are required to have at least a tiny bit of interest in a language before you can review someone's proposed Documentation edits.