I'm using Microsoft Edge 40.15063.0.0 on Windows 10 for browsing, and when I look in the footer, I see something odd:
The logo is all red on Meta. On Main, it's a lovely blue:
Granted, I might be the only person to browse SO using Edge, but it was a little surprising to see this.
I do not see these colors in Chrome Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit).
.s-footer._short .-logo path[fill="#222426"]{fill:#0C0D0E}.s-footer._short .-logo path[fill="#bcbbbb"],.s-footer._short .-logo path[fill="#BCBBBB"]{fill:#BCBBBB}.s-footer._short .-logo path[fill="#f48024"],.s-footer._short .-logo path[fill="#F48024"]{fill:#F48024}
document.querySelectorAll('.s-footer._short .-logo path[fill="#222426"]')
returns an empty NodeList, butdocument.querySelectorAll('.s-footer._short .-logo path[FILL="#222426"]')
returns a NodeList with the correct element...