I recently deleted an example from the documentation - It was in a form of an article, WITHOUT any attribution, well written, almost too good to be an original documentation example that was never edited and improved by others (I know that it's possible, I just don't see a lot of those in the Documentation at the moment, sorry).
I Googled a random part from that example and found that it was a copy & paste from some commercial company blog, which has a ©
(Copyright sign) on the footer on their website. I deleted the example and submitted it to review, with a link to the original content, and it was approved.
Today the user who originally posted that example submit a revert to undelte the example - Apparently they wrote the original post (The name of the User on SO match to the name of the author of the original article), so this is not a simple case of plagiarism, it's something different that I need to know how to handle in future.
What (if anything) should be done with similar examples where:
- The content was originally written by the user, but for another website
- I don't know whether the content is copyright to the user or the website owner (Which is the company the user is working for on this specific case)
- I'm not even sure if we really want duplicate content in the documentation (I know that it's a bad practice in SEO - Reference)
- There is no reference to the original article in the example (That's why I submitted it for deletion in the first place)
That the example is live again and exist in the documentation. I didn't review the last submission to undelete it because I wanted to see the reviewers decision about it.
I will be happy to know your opinion and what you think is the correct approach to handle similar cases in future.