First Posts and Late Answers audits draw chiefly from posts that have been downvoted and deleted (with various exceptions for corner cases). All that such audits expect are simple downvotes, and a reasonable case can be made that almost all answers that have been deleted do deserve a downvote, whether or not their deletion is warranted.
Unfortunately, almost every one of these answers has a comment, often an auto-comment from Low Quality Posts, explaining the reason someone thought the answer should be deleted. And quite frequently this is badly wrong, flagrantly violating Your Answer Is In Another Castle guidance by deleting an answer in review that should only have been downvoted, or deleted by 20k users, not 2k users.
This wouldn't be so much of a problem except for one crucial thing: these audits are being deliberately presented, misleading comments and all, as the very models of proper moderation, the things FP/LA reviewers are being tested to try to live up to. So we are training junior site members that it's OK to routinely flag and delete answers because they are very terse (with or even without that fatal link). And when they hit 2k, they happily go and Recommend Deletion on all kinds of answers, completely unaware that they're violating official site policy, because they're instead following "official" site policy as expressed by "obviously correct" comments on actually deleted posts that the site software really did choose as audits.
How can we avoid spreading misinformation this way? Should we stop showing comments after FP/LA audits are revealed to match the way we hide them before? Should we add a special heuristic to audit selection to try to filter out the specific very common case of a link-based answer that's mistaken for link-only?