The roots of recent problems I have raised on Meta are mostly about a feeling that is common amongst regular users: that the tools Stack Overflow offers are inadequate for the task. This leads to repeated what have you tried comments, and requests to see the (usually non-existent) code that the OP is having trouble with. It also brings about what I believe is considered to be "gaming" of the system, whereby the reason given to close a slovenly post is usually one of unclear, too broad or off topic—insufficient information.
Since it is a recent post, and because it alerted me to my misunderstanding, this is with particular regard to Matt's post in a recent Meta question of mine on Meta:
In its current form the question is clear. Yes, it is a "give me the codez question", which shows little research, but you'll note we purposefully don't have that as a close reason. As for the question being disliked? We don't have a close reason for that
This is in no other way a follow-up to that previous question.
I am interested in "we purposefully don't have that as a close reason", but reading that link I see no explanation of that purpose. George Stocker writes:
Overall, there isn't and never has been a close reason simply for a lazy person. If you'd like to propose one, I suggest asking a new meta question and making it a feature request.
But having seen the fate of such requests I am not foolish enough to try again.
From what I have read, I get the impression that questions such:
What is an "int"?
How do I add two numbers
How can I make this code that I found do what I want
Please show me how to write this C program in Lua
are all purposefully ineligible for a close vote, and the correct response is simply to downvote them.
I now have the perception that I am playing in Stack Overflow's forum where there are rules that few people like but which no one intends to explain to me. That is perfectly valid and I am happy with that as long as I understand that it is so, but it upsets me as I understood the site to be at least minimally democratic. I hope that someone will confirm it or correct me.
However I am still left with the concern that, since question like the above are only eligible for down votes, we are left with the situation where there should be many thousands of tumbleweed questions which are immune to closure but have dozens or hundreds of down votes. Even the diamond ♦ people have expressed concern that a question with a dozen or so down votes should be kept alive, but it seems that it is the "playing of the system" and wrongly-placed close votes that does the culling of such posts. If I'm right then Stack Overflow's infrastructure is hanging by a thread, and I hope someone will put me right.
Once more, please note that I am declaring only my ignorance regarding a situation that I feel I am understanding less every day. This is Jeff Attwood's playground and he can place whatever rules he likes with my blessing. I am simply looking for confirmation that my perception is right, correction to anything that I may have misunderstood, and any additional observations that people may want to offer.
how to output to console
I bet a lot of people will find the question answer helpful