Stack Overflow is a fabulous technical resource. Thanks to all responsible for setting it up, and to the entire user community that supports it! Please may I ask you though, why the hot network questions are so weird.
I understand that Stack Overflow is not merely for technical subjects like computing, maths, etc. and comes in all sorts of flavours, but I don't believe that the hot network questions are really indicative of what's on most people's minds at any one time.
I realise that they're not suggestions for other questions I may be interested in (the answers to) either, but I'm always amused when I look up some obscure syntax in some bizarre programming language to find that the hot network questions are things I could never have predicted.
I might expect:
What is the key size currently used by RSA and Diffie-Hellman for secure communication over Internet?
Given a Tree generate its Prüfer Code
I wouldn't expect:
What reasons may Donald Trump have had for firing FBI Director James Comey?
But I think it's fair enough, I can imagine a lot of people asking that.
And even for other topics, (say French), I might expect things like:
Confusion over use of « avoir » vs « être »
But what about:
How could an apocalypse kill off all adults -- leaving only those under the age of 18?
How did Vader restart his suit by himself so quickly?
Did anyone really ask that, ever?