I have been seeing this a few times while on Stack Overflow. The first time was on April 29th, and I had it just a few minutes ago.
I thought it was only for the "php" tag, but did browse other tags and it was showing the same error. It came back to normal a minute or two later; this for both times I encountered this.
I did not post a question about it the first time I saw this, and decided to post one since this happened to me again and there are others who experienced the same thing. I have never seen this type of error message before.
Is this a new bug or is the network undergoing pre-tests from a post I saw recently that is planned for May 3rd?
I have also seen these 2 posts on meta stackexchange:
- Random errors on various sites when viewing main page
- Misleading error message when questions list fails to load
Here are two screenshots.
The first was taken on April 29th.
and the other about 10 minutes ago:
Edit #1:
It just happened again now, at approximately 9:54 am, EST.
Edit #2:
This happened again at approximately 10:33 am EST and its frequency seems to be augmenting.
This time I looked at my console and the following showed up:
SyntaxError: expected expression, got ')' Learn more void();:1:5
and... there were no questions listed but also no error.