Related (from 2009): Now that there is a League of Super Heroes should the number of votes required to close/move be reduced?
Also very related (but not identical): Why are 5 close votes required?
Lest this question be marked as a duplicate of either of the two previous questions, the difference between this one and the second one I linked to is that that post was asking why it was made 5 in the first place, I'm suggesting that it be changed from 5. The difference between this question and the first one I linked to is that the first post was written in 2009 and I think that the answers there are obsolete at this point.
One of the answers to the first post I linked to stated that "I haven't seen a significant number of 'bad' questions lingering for a long time." I assume that that was true at the time (I wasn't around, though, so I'm not sure), but as I write this the close queue has 10,000 items in it and a significant number of close votes simply age away, so even if this was true at the time, it's definitely not the case now. I think that this fact alone would tend to argue for lowering the number of votes required.
Another argument in favor of closing is the fact that the number of votes required to delete VLQ posts was recently reduced to 4, so why not make close votes 4 as well? If anything, it seems like there's an even stronger case for reducing the number of close votes to 4 than for reducing the VLQ queue since most of the time the VLQ queue's about 100 - 200 items long and the Close Queue has 10,000 items (plus the reputation requirements are much higher for close votes, so there are fewer people who even can vote to close questions).
A third reason to do this is the sheer volume of questions we get on this site. In the C# tag, a question that was written 17 minutes ago is already off the first page; this tends to hold across all of the popular tags. The high question volume makes it fairly difficult to draw attention to even well-formulated questions, which also makes it more difficult to get answers. The last statistics I saw had around 72% of questions getting answered, which actually isn't all that great. In fact, Area 51 states that a "healthy" public beta should have an answer rate of at least 90%; obviously SO isn't in public beta, but I think that the point holds - the entire point of asking questions is to get answers. Besides, that's how we typically get members - if we want new users to stick around and participate in the site, there should be a good chance of their questions getting high-quality answers. (In fact, I initially joined Stack Overflow because I was new to Android development and I was having trouble getting push notifications to work). Obviously, my point isn't to rant about that; I do think that closing lousy questions faster could help mitigate that, though (at least to some degree).
Please do it.