Does our community prefer to leave question without any answer at all instead of leaving it with one link only answer?
Link only answers are just lazy crap low quality content that leaves visitors with an awful user experience. This site is about finding the answer to your questions HERE. Not by following a link only to find out you end-up at best at an lengthy blog article where you still have to piece together what you're looking for, second best the link is dead and at worst the linked site turned into a cat-gifs collection.
For link only answers the first call to action is to fix it. Edit the relevant parts of the linked material in the answer. Keep in mind that everybody can edit. If that is not feasible, leave a comment for the OP and when no action is taken, flag for deletion.
In the early days the quality standards were different and a lot of link only answers were left in that state. If nobody cared for 5 or 6 years to fix that, I see no problem in deleting such answers and if that leaves the question unanswered then maybe the question isn't that good after all. Close vote and down vote so it can be roomba-ed or deleted by users with delete privileges. Because with that action you make sure that the good stuff is easier to find.