I consider this issue closed.
I did not anticipate that so many people would be so adamantly against allowing re-open votes to take place simultaneously with close votes taking place.
As for those asking me for links (evidence), you have a good point. Although I have experienced this over the years, I did not keep a list, and I am unwilling to invest the time to search for them. I accept that my experience in this matter is rare, and perhaps even unique.
I see way too many good questions that are voted to be closed1. And the current SO UI doesn't even explain why a question has been voted to be closed until after it is already closed.
I would like the ability to counter close votes before the question is closed in two ways:
Be able to view the rationale for the close vote, and the identity of the close voter prior to the question being closed. That way I can decide if I agree or disagree with the rationale for closing. Perhaps I'll add my vote to close or not.
Be able to vote to re-open proactively prior to the question being closed, and supply the rationale for why the question should remain open.
I am writing this because too many of the questions I see closed seem to be closed simply because the close-voters don't know the answer to the question, and subsequently interpret the question as unanswerable. By the time someone knowledgeable comes around who could offer a beneficial answer, the question is already closed (sometimes within less than an hour of the question being asked).
Another possible solution would be to have a "minimal open time" for a question of say 24h, prior to closing so that more people would have a chance to weigh in or supply answers prior to closing.
It is not a level playing field for the reopen-voters when the only recourse they have is the comment section on an already-closed vote.
I submit that there are far more bad answers, than bad questions. So the benefit of the doubt should lean towards the questioner.
1I am not referring to questions I have asked. I am referring to questions others have asked, and I would like the opportunity to answer.