Recently, a new user had their post heavily downvoted. They mentioned in the comments that, when they went to create a new question to replace that one based on feedback in the comments, the system said that they couldn't post for three days. I was a little baffled by that but didn't get a chance to ask about it; are some kind of restrictions put in place for new users whose first question is heavily downvoted and/or closed?


1 Answer 1


Yes, they do. The exact details of this are secret (and painfully hard to explain even if it wasn't; there's like a formula here, where the exact nature of the restriction isn't known until the user actually tries to post)... But the gist of it is, if your first question is poorly-received, you'll probably be asked to wait a day before asking another one, and given a bunch of advice on both asking better questions and fixing your existing question.

If you ignore that advice, the time you have to wait between questions increases as you continue to ask poorly-received ones, until eventually you have to wait 6 months between questions.

There are other restrictions that can come into play as well: folks from networks that've recently sent a lot of dodgy stuff our way might be limited to 1 post per day regardless of how that post is received, while folks who've posted a lot of crap and then deleted their accounts will tend to come back with training wheels bolted on for convenience.

  • I think I understand why answerers needn't be throttled as strongly as askers but activity of this user suggests that current rate limiting for answerers may be a bit too weak
    – gnat
    Commented Apr 26, 2017 at 5:37
  • 1
    Can "poorly received" include either heavy downvotes or having your question put on hold? If a question is only heavily downvoted (but not closed) or is only put on hold (but isn't heavily downvoted), will either of those result in the temporary restrictions? Commented Apr 27, 2017 at 15:27
  • 3
    They can, @EJoshuaS; I'm gonna be a little bit cagey as to the weights given to each, but it's safe to say that neither helps.
    – Shog9
    Commented Apr 27, 2017 at 16:22

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