Your question has all the signs of being an lazy dump of work for others to sort out. You claim there are a lot of dependencies but I doubt that.
You didn't state (you were obviously in hurry) if you used a binary pre-build version of libcurl or if you build it yourself from the git repo where you disabled features. On that same page I read
When building an application that uses the static libcurl library on Windows, you must add -DCURL_STATICLIB to your CFLAGS. Otherwise the linker will look for dynamic import symbols.
From what I recall from my little experience that could be related. Had you done some research, just like I just did, you could have included which options you used to build your program. And I wouldn't have stopped after trying one option.
But you didn't do all that. Instead you tried to copy-paste the linker errors verbatim into your question and left it at that.
There will not be a single future visitor that will find your question easy to understand or even determine if their problem is similar to yours because all we have is a bunch of errors. There is no reproducible context described and that makes your question close worthy at first sight, highly unlikely to be salvageable and is best deleted. And as there is no value for future visitors let's not spend our time on trying to answer such questions. I have better things to do.