In Quora when somebody answers a question and you find it useful you can thank the user who asked the question. I think this is a great feature, with the main advantage of not scaring away people who take the time to answer, but because they not being very experienced yet in a subject, his answers are not the best. It's basically promoting the Q&A system beginning from an 'early age'. It is also probably easy to implement.
Contrary to an upvote, which means that the answer is a good one, I may want to thank somebody for taking the time to write a long answer, despite it being wrong.
It would also remove the Thanks! noise in the comments.
For example, in Quora, you can Upvote and Thanks. They are different buttons.
What do you think?
Remember that the comments section is not the place to say thanks.
There would not be any kind of Thanks counter. The only practical difference is that the person who answered will get a popup saying "XXX thanked you for XXX answer".