Originally, I came here to rant following a buildup of frustration at the fact that some 40% of my declined flags are on posts that were later deleted by either another moderator or through the review queue (or maybe regular del-votes, though unlikely). So I looked around and found these Q&A:
Can a declined flag be made helpful flag later by Moderator?.
Banned from flagging, even though flag turned out to be useful.
When a flag is declined, then the post is deleted/closed later, auto review the flag.
Which lead to the following conclusion:
With the current system, in case of disagreement between a ♦ and the community, two ♦s, or if a ♦ makes a mistake - a legitimate (albeit controversial) flag ends up "penalizing" its submitter.
There is little justice in this, and yet moderators cannot modify the majority of flags once a decision has been made.
Thus, my suggestion is to introduce a system whereby moderators could "upgrade" certain declined/rejected flags to "disputed", "helpful" or some other class created specifically for this scenario (i.e. if the flagging reason was invalid, but there was something else wrong with the post). It doesn't matter - as long as the flags are no longer counted as "unhelpful" - as they did bring attention to the post, and said post was closed/deleted as consequence (even if the flag wasn't 100% spot-on).
Perhaps in the future, an automatic mechanism would be created to address these cases.
This question might be considered a duplicate of 4. above, yet the feature-request was neither accepted nor rejected.