Some time ago I made a post (a question) here on meta, wherein I tried to be "cute" and "funny" and consequentially completely failed to communicate my idea. The post was poorly received and for good reason. The score on it is something like -24/+16. Even without the score feedback, rereading the post now it's obvious that it failed to make the point I wanted to make.
I recently revisited it and made a major edit, removing my silliness, rewriting the post, and hopefully clearly stating the idea in a more detailed and serious manner.
Part of me wants to just delete the question and repost to start fresh. I'm not necessarily convinced the edited version will be well-received either, and that's OK, but I do feel like a fresh start would be appropriate.
The reason I feel a fresh start would be appropriate is because of the presumption that most people, after reading a question on meta and forming an opinion, don't go back and monitor it for edits and change their opinions accordingly. In my case, the post is actually a bit different now.
The motivation here is bringing a major edit to the attention of folks who already read the first version, long after the post was posted (it's not getting a lot of new views), so that they can reevaluate their opinion, noting that their new opinion may very well still be negative and that that's OK.
So my question is: Given all that, is it in poor form for me to delete and repost the question? Should I just accept that I blew my chance to make a point and call it a loss? Or would this be justified?
Also, if it is not acceptable, what other things can I do to draw attention to the edit or encourage folks to reevaluate their opinions?
I am not linking to my specific post because I'm looking for a general opinion on the matter.