I merged the first two (paypalmerchantsdk and paypal-sdk) into paypal, so status-completed.
I disagree with Braiam here (a debate we've had several times in the past) that there is ever a reason to have "sdk", "api", or any other such ornamentation in tags on Stack Overflow. Everyone knows we are here for programming questions, so that you are asking about the SDK or the API is pretty well implied. If it isn't, then you simply cannot be helped. There's no point in making our tags extra noisy when those who lack a clue still won't get it.
paypal-checkout no longer exists (not even as a synonym), so someone must have manually cleaned that up already. I don't see any compelling reason to retrospectively create a synonym here.
Lundin already manually burninated android-paypal, so there's nothing to do there. Again, I don't see any real point in creating a synonym. The tag only ever had 3–5 questions to its name in its heyday.
For paypal-gateway, there were only a handful of questions with that tag, and all of them already had the paypal tag, so I just merged and removed it from the system. Unless you feel strongly that it needs to continue to exist in the form of a synonym, removing it should be sufficient.
I did not do anything with paypal-php. I'm not convinced that paypal-php should be merged directly into paypal. Are they really the same, or is there something different about the PHP bindings? I don't know enough about this to feel comfortable making an executive decision. I'll leave someone a bit more knowledgeable to do a manual cleanup.
tag is being discussed as too ambiguous... meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/345643/…