In review queue, I felt many things were wrong about a specific tag wiki edit, including asking for abuse:
To my surprise, the edit description was approved. So I felt to be in a situation I had described some time ago. I tried to figure out why it was approved. The three people to approve it have high stats: 91% approval rate on suggestions (rkosegi and VividD) and 82% approval rate on suggestions (Sun Qingyao). So I thought I may be facing a situation of over-approval. I decided to submit a correction on the edit, with explanation on the three matters that were corrected (and the system forced me to add an excerpt in order to fix the description, even if I had no idea on what excerpt to add):
And to my second surprise, three hours later, I'm unanimously rejected by 2 rejections so far [edit: votes seem reversed now, could be the meta effect]. So I must have been doing something wrong twice, despite that I really dislike to see a sentence asking for abuse on a ballerina: it sounds like a sexist joke.
I'm aware that tag descriptions do not follow the same rules as questions and answers, but I'm now concern to know how to write a correct description for a tag? (and how to vote for approval/rejection on those)
- Is typo irrelevant?
- Is making jokes fine?
- Can it be minimalist without even a context ("[tag] is open-source")?
- Is providing a link to official website the only required information?
, for those who aren't aware) that is likely to be accepted by reviewers not paying attention (here, the only reviewer was the OP, a brand new user to the site, who clearly didn't know that it's permissible for a total newbie to reject a bad suggestion)