It took me half an hour to figure out why my answer was being blocked as spam and how to get past it.
It turns out that it is nothing to do with the message. The reason is that it contained too many Chinese characters (which I was using sparingly to illustrate the multilingual capabilities of BreakIterator
). I won't bore you with the details of how tedious it was to discover that and get some sort of workable answer. It was tedious.
It took me another half an hour to discover that I could override the block by starting the post with a blank line.
The spam block problem was reported previously on meta:
- Spam blocker prevents update of an answer from 2009
- Unable to edit question containing non-Latin characters, warning about 'Body cannot contain...'
I'm requesting here that the message actually say what the real problem is.
Body cannot contain an excessive amount of non-English text.
That would have saved me a lot of time. Or if this sort of message is an intentional and effective deterrent, then at least allow users with some rep level to post "spam".