This picks up where my previous question left off – there are still Amazon services that have multiple tags hanging around.
- amazon-cloudwatch (440) / cloudwatch (80)
- amazon-iam (766) / aws-iam (21)
- amazon-dynamodb (3201) / dynamodb (111)
- amazon-elastic-beanstalk (351) / elastic-beanstalk (2984)
- amazon-cognito (787) / aws-cognito (48)
- amazon-elb (689) / elastic-load-balancer (74)
and there are other Meta Qs about similar duplicate tags:
- Synonyms: amazon-mws and mws
- Merge [emr] into [amazon-emr]
- Merge [cloudformation] into [amazon-cloudformation]
Based on the tag wikis and looking through some of the questions in each tag, it looks like these are indeed just duplicates. For the sake of consistency (and making things easier to find!), we should retag and/or synonymise these duplicates.
I’ve highlighted in bold what I think the canonical tag should be – using an amazon-
or aws-
prefix for consistency with other AWS tags, and choosing a prefix based on Amazon’s preferred branding.