Does upvoting a bad question/answer, makes me look bad in eyes of Moderators and Security BOTS ?
Not that is publicly known at this moment.
Moderators cannot directly see who or what you voted on. They will only be alerted if there's an indication of vote abuse - like, you voting a lot on a certain person's posts, or creating new accounts for voting up your own contributions ("sock puppets").
Other than that, the system will not punish you for upvoting "too much".
Of course, that doesn't mean you should ever be upvoting bad questions and answers.
Do having a lot of upvotes record make you less intelligent and less upvotes make you more of a bright guy?
Not necessarily. There are some very smart people on Stack Overflow who make a point of only upvoting good content they see, and not using downvotes at all because they feel it's negative/rude/hostile. I don't agree with them at all: downvoting is the most powerful quality control we have. At 12,000+ new questions every day, that is important.
But the system will not punish them.
There can be social consequences though. If you have only upvotes in your profile, some people (including myself) might look at you funny.
If you ever want to become an elected moderator, people will look at your voting record and might question your judgement and fitness to be a moderator. Moderators are expected to do quality control and that means closing down bad and off topic content. A voting record with no downvotes could look to some like you're not able to do that unpleasant job.
There's no consequences apart from that, though.
What if I thought a question was good for me, but wasn't good for someone else, Does that look my upvote look bad ?
No one can see who upvoted a post, so there's no way for you to look bad.
Also, you have every right to vote as you please (as long as you're not voting fraudulently, see above).
However, it's certainly important to consider whether a post is actually good and healthy for the community, too, and not just for yourself. A post can contain good info for me, or be a great question, but be completely off topic for the site. What I often do in such cases is neither cast an upvote nor a downvote (but vote to close if appropriate).
So - no, there are no automated penalties for voting "wrongly". Only social consequences.
It's still a good thing to vote responsibly, and not forget to downvote bad content.