Assumptions and Wishful Thinking
The answer by deleted user4639281 is a good one, but I want to specifically address this section I think is a big assumption/wishful thinking:
It's a beginners course, so they won't have the skill to answer questions, but they can theoretically complete basic tasks. I figure that they'll be learning something even if they are just crossing ts and dotting is by proposing formatting edits, etc.
The ability to complete basic tasks is well and good, but we are not pressing buttons and making widgets here. This is a domain-specific site, and pretty much all knowledge that is created or applied here is in the context of programming. Aside from programming-related knowledge, most other knowledge here is specific to the site's own rules and culture. And as any Stack Overflow regular can tell you, boy do we have a strong set of cultural norms here!
I'm also not sure there is anything to be learned by proposing formatting edits, etc. You kind of already have to know the rules of the English language to make those edits in the first place. If you're hoping they'll somehow learn programming concepts by fixing typos or capitalizing proper nouns... that's not really how it works. There's a chance a person might take time to absorb the actual content of a post they're reviewing, but that has to be a conscious choice that they make, and it speaks to their personality more than any instruction they're given. In other words, the kind of student who would learn about programming by doing this would likely do so just by being told to go learn programming or go read Stack Overflow Q&A posts, without needing to bribe them.
Like Wikipedia, this site has specific standards
Speaking of which, to the other answer's point, while 'basic knowledge' of, say, the English language may grant them the ability to read a post and know how to fix grammatical errors in it, the site rules and culture discourage excessive suggested edits at a systemic level like this, for this reason: edits should attempt to fix all problems in a post.
Would beginner students know how to format code as code, judiciously using code fences vs. inline code fences where appropriate? Or when to format an error message or a quote using block quote formatting? Would they know about indentation or tagging? Can they tell what parts of a question are noise/fluff, or about our policy to not change UK spelling to US spelling (or vice versa)? These are just some of the expectations/site norms that I don't think "can complete basic tasks" sufficiently covers.
Stack Overflow isn't designed for concerted group effort
On top of that, the system, itself discourages excessive suggested edits by putting a hard cap on the number of suggested edits that can exist on the site at any one time thanks to the low activity in the Suggested Edits review queue. Telling a couple dozen students to go make a bunch of suggested edits to earn reputation on this site is a good way to clog up the queue with edits that may be worse or less complete than edits made more organically by site regulars.
The other danger here is that a bunch of well-meaning users flooding the site with edits or other mundane tasks that may not fully cover what those tasks ought to cover will inevitably get a lot of those edits or tasks approved, making more work than existed before for overtaxed curators who have to go in and revert or fix or improve those edits/tasks. Stack Exchange sites don't have good built-in mechanisms for allowing coordinated tasks like this with sufficient oversight, which is why coordinated efforts in the past always take place with a lot of discussion around rules and guard rails.
Flawed justification
Perhaps most importantly, what's the carrot, here, exactly? If they aren't already on Stack Overflow, they likely don't know (and don't care) about reputation. So the bribe of reputation will ring hollow to them. If you are bribing them with course grades, OK, but then the argument of tasks that earn reputation is unnecessary and a distraction for your purposes, and still harmful/dangerous for ours. And I'm not sure assigning a course grade for participation in a course activity qualifies as a bribe anyway... it's just a grade.
To speak further on what might be a good type of activity, we need to know what course you're teaching. I'm assuming from your blog linked in your profile that it's a beginner course in computational Python. I think students in a beginner programming course using Python would be much better served by passively using Stack Overflow (searching for existing questions, learning how to parse through a series of answers, knowing to look at dates, learning how duplicate closures work, etc.).
Despite all the ups and downs over the years, I think Stack Overflow is still the premiere resource for specific programming problems and their solutions in the world. Nearly all the tirades on complaining about how Stack Overflow sucks are made by people who never took the time to understand how basic aspects of the site works, (among other critical concepts like reading comprehension), so if you teach your students how to get the most out of Stack Overflow passively, as a visitor/reader, they'll already be way ahead of even most Stack Overflow active participants here.
Furthermore, reputation is not, and should not be, a goal. It is a metric that determines the community's relative valuation of your contributions to the site. Ask any of your fellow faculty in your university's business/economics college what happens when metrics become goals.