Thanks for calling this to our attention. This was due to the client-side post-processing (highlighting, hiding, etc) that we do on the results.
Since you're asking from the context of Stack Overflow, here's some additional technical details: when wildcards were in use, the selector used was a suboptimal regex match via :regex(class, ...)
in jquery - when in the "starts-with" case it could be done far more efficiently with a [class*=...]
match. Since you had lots of wildcards, this was absurdly expensive. The selector was also doing a lot of duplicate work, so we've replaced that with an initial "find all the candidates" step followed by a .filter
on a simplified selector - essentially $('outer1[inner1],outer2.inner2,...,outer327:inner327)
to $('commonOuter').filter('[inner1],.inner2,...,:inner327')
The result of both of those things combined is quite dramatic:
before: 'ignored' took 8235.450ms
after: 'ignored' took 20.505ms
(oh, we also added some client-side logging if it goes over a reasonable time)
So: you should be OK to re-enable your wildcard filters now.
We also plan to move more of the ignored-list filtering to our "tag engine" server (the v1 server couldn't really cope with this, but the v2 server we're using now should be fine, especially when we get our GPUs racked). So: only good things!
Please let me know if you see the same performance increase that I see, or whether it is still a problem.
[email protected]