Over the last couple days, the C# documentation (and I'd wager other tags) have been hit by a bot continually making topic requests.
The topic requests consist of a random title (possibly a tag?) and 3 question titles found under C#.
Here's an example of the recent round of requests:
How to properly compare lists. Stuck with BinaryExpression in C#. Is this using of dictionary thread-safe or not?Class
Partial declarations must not specify different base classes?. Derived class > forcing property to be written into initializecomponent. C# Percent encode ? to %C3%A5 based on RFC 5849 OAuth 1.0XML
Generate XmlWriter c# code from XML. Saving HTML Table as xml or json. Choosing One table among two tables on the basis of some attribute value in MVC3 and EF
This question is somewhat related to How to report users spamming in Documentation requests?, but not entirely.
Here's the problem. These requests do not immediately stand out as abusive and/or spam posts. The topic request for List
could easily be mistaken for a user not making themselves clear, or accidentally requesting a topic rather than asking a question. This means a moderator may view a flag, misidentify it as an honest user making a mistake (or a valid request altogether if they're unfamiliar with the tag) and decline the spam flag.
I've been raising custom moderator flags, but that takes more effort on behalf of myself (finding their profile, explaining the problem) as well as the moderator (reading the flag, checking the profile, reading the requests).
So what's the correct procedure here?
Should I continue with custom flagging, or should I simply flag the request as spam/offensive and hope the moderator is aware of the new deluge of rubbish requests?