I am extremely upset by President Trump’s executive order on immigration. It is immoral, unconstitutional, and fundamentally un-American.
The community on Stack Overflow is made up of users from all over the world. At least 100,000 posts on Stack Overflow were written by users from the seven countries from which President Trump has banned immigration. These posts have been viewed at least 250,000,000 times. That’s a lot of people sharing their knowledge across borders.
Stack Overflow is successful because of the contributions of everyone, regardless of nationality or religion. If Stack Overflow were not a free, open, and welcoming community that ignored borders, it would never work.
It’s impossible not to see the parallel: the only way to build a successful world today is to allow the contributions of everyone. Carving up the world into us vs. them, building walls, and demonizing religions, nations, and refugees is both morally repugnant and counterproductive, and it goes so much against the spirit of Stack Overflow that as a community we must speak out.
Update on how to move forward (Jan 31, added by hairboat):
If you're totally done with this topic and would like to stick to programming Q&A, that's fine. This post is no longer featured and you're welcome to go on with your day.
But for those of you who'd like to stay and talk…let's talk about it. We've already covered the merits of this question being on MSO at length, here and elsewhere, and we've debated whether or not this particular policy affects Stack Overflow the website.
What we haven't really touched on are the effects of this policy on the Stack Overflow community and how critical Stack Overflow's global nature is to its success. Our data team dug up stats on how answers often span borders and even time zones.
An open immigration policy is one way to strengthen a peaceful global community. Net neutrality is another way, which is also under fire around the world (and non-existent in many areas). This is the best, smartest, and most organized community of programmers on the Internet. What can we do to protect these and other freedoms? How can Stack Overflow the community and Stack Overflow the company best direct our collective influence?
That's the question we should be answering here.