This question I asked was closed because some members claimed it was off-topic:
I thought it was within the community guidelines of what was "on-topic", because the problem was a very common and important programming problem, i.e. understanding the code I was reading and writing.
The closers thought my question was opinion-based, because I was asking why something was named the way it was - but there actually was an objective answer from the author himself. Also, an objective answer could have just as easily been buried somewhere in the project's documentation, or an old issue page or a commit message that I never found.
So, I think my question was "on-topic". If not, can the answerer of this meta post please disprove me?
And if not, is there any site on SO that I could ask this (important) type of question?
Immediately after posting this question, my question was deleted. I'm not sure if others can see it, so I'll quote it here:
In Marionette version 2.1.0, an event aggregator is given the name "vent". From [here][1],
The Event Aggregator is available through the vent property. vent is convenient for passively sharing information between pieces of your application as events occur.
var MyApp = new Backbone.Marionette.Application(); // Alert the user on the 'minutePassed' event MyApp.vent.on("minutePassed", function(someData){ alert("Received", someData); });
Why is it called "vent"? Is this some sort of bizarre contraction for "event"? Is it a "ventilation shaft..." of events? This name really confuses me.
Since this was closed, I can't add an actual answer. But I do have an actual answer, received from the author himself via email:
Hey Jackson,
From your question:
Why is it called "vent"? Is this some sort of bizarre contraction for "event"? Is it a "ventilation shaft..." of events? This name really confuses me.
Short answer: yes :)
I was trying to think of a name for it, and you guessed just about exactly what i was thinking when i named it. No real reason, no real meaning - just wanted a name other than "" because that had too many possible overloaded meanings.
- Derick
Please vote to re-open this question so I can add this as an answer and accept it. Thanks.
It was suggested that this question is a "possible duplicate" of Is there a less restrictive Stack Exchange site specially suited for not too specific questions? I disagree that this is a duplicate of that question, because the question I was originally asking was very specific.
named after a Succubus Cat Familiar?" a question that should even be asked? as the author i think it's useful