Most of us on Stack Overflow expect the OP to have tried something before posting his / her question. Most times, especially in tags like "String" and "regex", people don't show the following things in the first version of their question:
- Sample input
- Expected output
- What they have tried.
Then we keep asking for sample input, output, sample code etc. in comments. Many times the OP doesn't respond immediately leading to people voting and closing such posts as unclear (no complaints here). Then the OP comes back later and (almost always) adds sample input, expected output and his effort in the comments.
Then people again start asking the OP to edit his / her question to add all above-mentioned points. The OP comes back later and then edits the question if someone hadn't done that already.
My observations:
- The OP knows whats the sample input and output
- The OP has "usually" tried something.
- The OP doesn't know that they have to put all the details in the question.
Note that the "How to Ask" part on the "Ask question" page doesn't help a lot in this case. I somehow feel that people just turn a blind eye towards the - "Provide details. Share your research." point on the "ask question" page.
What am I suggesting?
Add 2 checkboxes at least to String and regex tags which ask the OP two questions:
- Have you added sample input and expected output (if needed in the question)?
- Have you shown what you've tried.
Also provide a warning - Questions not showing sample input, expected output and your research / code can be considered poor and closed by the community. Too many "poor" questions could lead to your account being banned from asking questions". before the question is posted.
The OP has to explicitly check those boxes. This way, I think people posting questions will show proper input, output and add their code in the question. If we see a question where the OP "has checked the boxes" but has not provided input, output or sample code, then it definitely needs to be closed immediately.
I see a lot of questions which get closed as "unclear" because the OP has not shown his attempt (code) or sample input / output. The issue is most times people don't pay a lot of attention to what the "how to ask" part of the page. Yes, it is their mistake but from a different angle, closing such questions could lead to QBans. More QBans means more QBan evasion accounts (which do get caught) and more suspensions.
It is easy to say - If they haven't gone through the help center, their posts need to be closed, but considering the fact that we do close a decent number of questions because of lack of input, output and code, I think it is a problem that we (SO) need to fix by explicitly asking people if they have added certain details.
This will affect the user experience a little. But I think this will reduce the number of questions that get closed as "unclear". Yes, I am assuming that people will pay attention to the check boxes, and I might be wrong, but it is still worth trying IMO.
Update: I am not talking about showing these checkboxes to all users. They can be shown only to :
- New users
- Users with low rep
- Users whose questions have not been received well.