When I use the share feature to get an answer's URL, I have my userid appended.
(Yes, yes, I know it's mentioned, in tiny letters.)
But this works just as well and gets redirected to the same page:
The only difference is that the userid has been left off.
In fact, if I put in
I still get to the same page.
It could be that I want to post a link to an answer in a forum, yet do not want it to be linked back to my Stack Overflow account. Which in my case is in my name. I suspect that this will be true for at least some of us who are logging in via Google.
The only discussion I saw about this is https://meta.mathoverflow.net/questions/2787/remove-the-user-identifying-part-of-the-share-url
Now, I am not asking for a special feature (I'll just trim off my userid before posting the URL). I just don't get why it was considered important and a good idea to do this in the first place.
It's not like the privacy implications are immediately obvious when you paste some complicated alphanumeric URL somewhere.