Let me first say that I understand the frustration of the person whose answer you commented on. I've been in this situation several times, where an answer that I posted many years ago has been considered useful and helpful by the community at large, yet someone else comes along later and points out some flaw. Usually, these seem pretty nitpicky to me, which only makes them more frustrating. But even when they are absolutely valid objections, I don't like being forced to revisit and support every answer that I've ever posted to this site since the beginning of time. I have a lot of answers, and when taken to its logical end, this gets to be a truly massive support burden—not one that I am capable of or willing to sustain. Moreover, some of my earlier answers are for technologies that I used to know well, but that I haven't worked on in years and have therefore forgotten much of what I used to know. In order to fix the answer now, in many cases, I would have to go back and relearn (or at least refresh my memory on) what I used to know, which entails an awful lot of effort just to understand the nature of the problem, before I can even contemplate a fix.
But at the same time, I agree with everyone else that the age of the answer doesn't matter. The focus should be exclusively on the content of posts, not their author or their age or anything else. I also agree that old, high-scoring answers with flaws are particularly problematic, because these are the ones that people see and are most likely to assume correct. Therefore, downvoting and commenting are both perfectly acceptable courses of action when you see something that is wrong.
But I think there is an even better solution: when you see a flaw in an old yet well-received answer (whether through upvotes or acceptance), consider using your edit powers to fix that flaw. If you're competent enough to see the problem and comment about it, then you should be competent enough to just go ahead and fix the problem yourself. This prevents the frustration I described, because now all I get is a notification that my post has been edited, rather than another item added to my to-do list. It doesn't impose a burden on me. I don't have to make the hard decision of whether to fix it myself (if I even can), or delete it (despite the fact that many people have clearly found it useful). If, for whatever reason, I disagree with your changes, I have the power to roll them back. But the vast majority of the time, I'll appreciate that you took the time to improve my answer and the site as a whole. Even if I could have immediately made the change myself, you saved me some time. Otherwise, if I wasn't able, for whatever reason, to make the change myself, then I learned something from your improvement. Either way, everyone wins.
This is just another example of the rule that, when you see a problem you can fix, you should fix it, rather than trying to put the monkey on someone else's back. If you spotted the problem, you are in the best position to edit the answer to address it. The site is, in fact, based upon this premise: it is a collaboratively maintained repository of high-quality answers to programming problems.
If you see an old answer that was never well-received and/or contains irredeemable flaws, then just downvote it and consider voting to delete it. Comment if you want, but there probably isn't any reason to waste your time. Unless it's almost right and can be easily fixed, it doesn't need to be fixed. Either the other answers on the page are sufficient, or you should post a new answer of your own that addresses the problems. Blissfully ignore any whining you receive in such cases. Wrong answers not valuable, and unlike fine wine, do not become more valuable over time. (If you don't have delete-vote powers, then downvoting and/or commenting is often sufficient to get the person who originally posted the answer to revisit it and delete it themselves.)