20 minutes ago, a user asked a question about twig comparison on a symfony project. That was an easy question, but the solution is not an evident one, especially for twig beginners.
Two users, ChuckNorris and I provided some help. I edited the question, ChuckNorris and I provided some comments and an answer. When user has understood the answer, he simply deletes his post. My opinion is that this question could be useful for community. If each asker deletes its own question, Stack Overflow will no longer exist.
I know that student wants to delete things to cover up their cheating, but I don't think this is the case, here.
I understood that I can't vote for an undelete question. Only 20k+ users can vote to undelete and I am agree with SO rules.
I read in this Meta Question that I could hold of a mod normally by flagging one of the OP's posts, but since we don't have any visible to it...
Is there a way to alert mods for deleted question?