When you're trying to quote multiple pieces of code, you might use a bulleted list, where each item in the list is a blockquote that contains a code snippet. To wit:
Here's my list:
- > printf("foo");
- > return;
But when I try to do this, the bullet gets suppressed. The rendered output is as follows:
Here's my list:
This gets rendered incorrectly on Safari and Chrome (however, it works properly on Firefox).
As for why I'm doing this, it's because I want to provide commentary below each quoted code fragment, but still intended as part of the enclosing list item. I omitted this to create my MCVE. :-)
Note that everything renders as expected if I use inline code formatting:
Here's my list:
but I don't want to do this, since the formatting is slightly different for inline code fragments vs. code blocks. Besides, what if I want to quote a multi-line block of code?
content: none
fromblockquote:before, q:before, blockquote:after, q:after
, although it is misaligned. Settingoverflow: visible
fixes it, though, just as @BoltClock suggested. And adding this style doesn't break anything on Firefox—in fact, it fixes a vertical alignment issue for the bullet!