Having recently posted the question https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41409738/can-angularjs-always-replace-jquery it was put on hold as primarily opinion-based.
That seems right, because I had a subquestion about which general things to watch out for, so I made an edit and removed it to make the question less opinion-based.
How do you reopen a closed question? states that:
Editing the body of a question within five days of closure will add it to the Reopen Review queue, where people with the the ability to cast reopen votes will assess it. A question can only be added to the Reopen Review queue once per closure via editing.
So my question is currently in the Reopen Review queue - will I know if it's accepted/rejected, and if it is still too opinion-based, will I have another chance to edit it and send it to the Reopen queue?