If the post has already been edited at the time you decide to flag it, do not flag it. The abusive content has already been removed; the post is no longer abusive, and therefore should no longer be flagged as such. It's still at any rate a terrible question and should be handled appropriately.
As egregious a violation of rules as this was, we don't do punishments for this sort of thing. If you think the user could use a stern warning from a moderator, you can send this feedback in a custom flag, and we'll act as we see fit. But please don't take matters into your own hands. Bad user behavior is something that should only be addressed by a moderator.
Keep in mind though that there is an attempt (if again a terrible one) at a legitimate question, and furthermore, it's at the start of the post body and not being actively obscured by the garbage content. Editing it out is preferred, especially since you have full editing privileges and it's easy enough to remove a single giant paragraph at the end of the post. Even if you did flag it as abusive in its original state, it's likely a moderator would have just edited it out the same way, and cleared your flag, causing it to be neither helpful nor declined, but disputed. Despite what the label "disputed" might suggest, this is a perfectly normal outcome and nothing to be concerned about.