Let's remember the basics: What is a duplicated question? I prefer Gille's analogy for this since it's very straightforward and doesn't, not even in the most wildest interpretations, go against the "There are many ways to ask the same question, and a user might not be able to find the answer if they're asking it a different way." that is included in the help center:
Just because there's one particular solution that works for two problems doesn't mean they are the same problem. But if every solution to either problem is also a solution to the other problem, then the problems are the same. — Gilles
Check also the answer given by Grace Note on the matter.
Why is this relevant? Because it establishes a sane rule of thumb: if all answers to A are also answers to B, then A and B are duplicates.
Now, are all answers to "How to do X in JavaScript?" equally applied to "How to do X with jQuery?"; I would say: no. Why? Because for a jQuery solution to be valid in a JavaScript question, all and every answer has to include:
Add <script src="jquery.js"></script>
Which the later question doesn't need as they are already using jQuery.
So, if the question is "How to prevent ENTER keypress to submit a web form?" for JavaScript, the answers are:
document.querySelector('form').onkeypress = checkEnter;
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() { $(window).keydown(function(event){...? :)
Meanwhile the jQuery incarnation would have:
document.querySelector('form').onkeypress = checkEnter;
$(document).ready(function() { $(window).keydown(function(event){...? :)
as answers. Two different sets of answers makes them not-duplicated questions.
Since this answer is heavy on concepts, I tried to make a query that brings numbers: There are, according to this very badly written query, 155 questions tagged with either JavaScript or jQuery closed against questions that are tagged JavaScript or jQuery.
document.querySelector('form').onkeypress = checkEnter;
===$(document).ready(function() { $(window).keydown(function(event){...
? :)