Today during several minutes my reputation was decreased by more than 1.1k with the reason that "serial voting was reversed".
However neither today nor yesterday neither this month or the month before I did not observe any "serial voting" of my answers.
So this looks at least very strange.
I could understand if during a day some person can up-vote my answers. However the last week I answered questions very rare. And it would be seen at once.
However I see that sometimes I down-voted even by -20 by the reason. So there should be many persons who serially up-voted my answers. And moreover it can be done for example during a month. I do not think that somebody will up-vote specially my answers for example one hundred times per month. I am not even saying "per week".:)
Thus it does not resemble that my reputation was decreased at once during several minutes by more than 1.1K points due to "serial voting".
I found one my answer that is dated by answered Feb 27 '15 at 13:48 that was down-voted by the reason. So it will be reasonable to ask is up-voting with a period equal to a year and a half is considered as serial up-voting?:)
It is interesting who is that moderator who decreased my reputation by 1.1K at once?
After reading the answer of @Shog9♦ I am sure that it was done intentionally. He wrote in his answer
Also, please stop serial voting
however neither serial voting was done by me at least these months.