This. This is enraging.
No, not the user's post. Why Stack Overflow does not attempt to detect such non-answers is enraging and raise an automatic NAA flag. Just like we detect and block questions that don't appear to be in any language at all, or how we detect non-code formatted code.
These rules for detection can be:
if the answer is posted by the question poster and the user has 2-30 reputation:
add 40 points if the string contains less than three space-delimited
when you remove these words*:
<space> i I got found the solution solved problem fixed a :) .
thanks it myself me nvm nevermind
add 10 points if the question the above words account for more than half the answer
add 20 points if the question is shorter than 100 chars
if >60 points:
prevent user from posting
elif >40 points:
warn user
flag as NAA if still posted
elif 30 points:
flag as BAA
*And their lexicographically similar variations (ie typo'd versions); see lexicographic distance.
I don't think the false-positive rate would be high; attempt to imagine a situtation where this would fail.
The sensitivity can be adjusted as SO wishes.