According to How can I dispute a tag synonym? this is the proper place to ask, "as long as we make a good argument". :)
Quite recently d3v4 was marked as a synonym of d3.js. I think this is a mistake because:
The API changes between version 3 and version 4 were numerous. Just look at all the changes!
D3 4.0 now shares a flat namespace rather than the nested one of D3 3.x. For example, d3.scale.linear is now d3.scaleLinear, and d3.layout.treemap is now d3.treemap. The adoption of ES6 modules also means that D3 is now written exclusively in strict mode and has better readability. And there have been many other significant improvements to D3’s features! (Nearly all of the code from D3 3.x has been rewritten.)
D3 selections are now immutable, generators like
no longer modify the input data and the general update pattern — perhaps the pattern for which D3 is most well know — changed. The two versions are clearly different.This is inconsistent with every other language and framework on StackOverflow. There's a generic python and then there are more specific tags like python-2.7 and python-3.x. There's a generic angularjs and then there's a more specific angularjs-2. javascript and ecmascript-6. ruby-on-rails and ruby-on-rails-3 and ruby-on-rails-4 and ruby-on-rails-5.
Would it be possible for this synonym to be reversed?
There's also another tag for the version 4 of D3 (d3.js-v4) which is not a synonym of d3.js. Could d3.js-v4 be made a synonym of d3v4 (or vice versa)?