I submitted this change to a post to fix some formatting, but since I don't have high enough rep, I had to add some fluff words (that did not harm the post in any way) in order to meet the length requirement.
However, after one approval, it was rejected and edited and the note alongside the rejection told me to see what "should have been changed."
Upon checking the new edit, it looks like the changes I'd submitted sans the added character count words were the only changes. That is, the change the other user made seemed to have been the exact same edit as mine but with less characters, since they had the privilege to do so.
Was this edit rightfully rejected? It doesn't seem fair to punish a lower-rep user by rejecting an edit solely based on something they're forced to add, especially if it is not harmful to the original post.
<!-- language: lang-python -->
, prior to the code would have been helpful.