Well, November 2016 sure was a month that happened.
Now that we're on the other side of the US election and holidays (and the team is back at work) it's time for an update on Stack Overflow Documentation.
Topic Introductions
Every topic now has an optional section above examples, an Introduction.
Introductions should give readers an idea of what they're going to find on a topic, and help future contributors tell what belongs.
Improvement Requests
Improvement request have been updated.
For each type of a request, only a single one can be active on any given example or topic. Improvement requests can now be commented on. The entire improvement request element can also be collapsed, to save vertical space.
Introduction Topics Standardized
Introduction Topics (also known as Hello World topics, Root topics, Overview topics, etc.) now have a standardized title and display.
The title is based off the friendly name of a tag, which can be edited by highrep users (anyone who has the trusted privilege) on a tag's wiki.
Another round of user testing has wrapped up on the (oft discussed) Discussion feature. Thank you to those who participated, we've got a final design now.
Here's an updated mockup.
Proper implementation will start this week. It's a complicated feature, but it'll make a good present for the holidays.
Topic/Example Menu De-Iconizing
We're going to be converting the menus in Documentation to display more like the menus on Q&A.
We'll also be moving these menus to a more familiar position.
Moving Topics
We're going to be adding an option in the coming weeks to move whole topics to different tags as part of a change. This option will live in the "move examples"-popup currently at the top of a topic.