Just having some trouble sleeping, so decided to check Stack Overflow (It's currently 1AM EST)
And noticed this question with 5 upvotes within 5 minutes. Curious, I looked into it, and it had 4 views (3 not including me)
Not only that, but the body of the question is pretty weak, and in general it seems like a small question.
But it still got 5 upvotes (which in my limited experience, is pretty rare).
To me this looks like vote manipulation, but my question is, does it matter?
It doesn't hurt any, and there is no flag for it so I wasn't sure, and really just curious if people have seen this before, and if it can really be confirmed as vote manipulation.
Interesting EDIT:
The question I linked a few minutes later had 7 upvotes, with one answer-- and the answerer works at the same company as the user who asked the question (based off of SO profile).
I just checked again, and now the question received 4 downvotes. Not sure what's going on here, but it looks like there's a guy at some company who asked a question, then told his coworkers to go and upvote the question, then tried to get a coworker to answer the question.
If this was the case, is there anything wrong there?
Is it kosher to get coworkers, or even friends to upvote a question?
Technically they are different people, with different opinions, and technically you can't prove that the upvoter didn't upvote because they thought it was a good question.