I have earned the reputation points from spending lot of time and helping others in the community.
A moderator removed 805 reputation, but it can be clearly seen that only two times it happened that I have got sudden spike in the reputation on the two days, and that was only 142 and 150 on two different days.
If it seems like to the moderator that it's a serial upvoting he should reverse only that reputation and not more than that.
The moderator is also not replying to my message. I have waited a long, more than two months for his reply and now can't sit like that.
I have clearly described and clarified that there must be one of the reason due to a static IP address.
I have lost interest in spending time on Stack Overflow after this incident. I really like to spend time on Stack Overflow, but this kind of moderation is not acceptable.
Only two sudden reputation changes and that too on different days and a sudden reverse voting:
No answer from the moderator in two months: