I'm a little steamed at this point, so if I appear to be criticizing in a non-constructive way, I apologize. It's not my intent. My intent is that I see a problem and I'd like to help fix it.
I was in the middle of answering this question from a beginner OP when it got marked as a duplicate. Since the code had a case-sensitivity problem, it would error out there, and never have made it to the code that was put forth as a duplicate problem, so the "duplicate" post would be no help to her. The OP didn't have sufficient experience to explain what kind of error she was getting, instead putting in a variation of the ubiquitous "it doesn't work" sort of answer, and the flagger (obviously) didn't look at the issue very carefully. "Knee jerk" assessment, in other words, failing to notice the case problem, even after I told him that there were other problems with the OP's code.
What really concerns me, though, is that the moderator who marked it as a duplicate basically rubber-stamped the flagger's assessment. That suggests institutionalized carelessness. Not a good look for the site branding-wise, if we add sloppiness to our growing reputation for unfriendliness to newbies. I get it; some newbies just won't take the trouble to help themselves, but when we don't help the ones that are trying to learn, that's when we start to decline.
There appear to be some users who are looking for reasons to mark questions as duplicates. It's probably an ego thing; egos are always looking for other egos they can consider stupider than themselves, at least the ones that come on to this site. Moderators (at least the moderator that marked this one as a duplicate) didn't take the care to see whether the problem was in fact as described, and maybe it's because they aren't looking out for "scalp hunters".
So, am I overreacting (this isn't the first time this has happened) or not?